Our goal is not just to manage your technology but to become an extension of your business. Our process begins with a no obligation, no cost, high level review of your entire IT infrastructure. We'll work with your team to confirm areas of concern and identify products and services to monitor and protect your systems 24/7. With our managed IT solutions, we take control of your technology and begin to implement our three part plan:

  1. We implement security, maintenance, monitoring and other technology standards that we've developed over twenty years. We include world-class email, security software and backups with all plans in order to keep your network secure and running optimally.

  2. Once we've brought your network up to standards, we work to reduce your current technology-induced noise. We'll work with you and your vendors to address any consistent issues that are costing you time and money. We'll baseline and monitor your systems and networks to find where the technology bottlenecks are and work to eliminate them.

  3. While we're quieting the noise we take the time to get to know your business processes. Now we start looking for ways to help improve your business with technology you already own. Our mission is to drive revenue, reduce expenses, and improve processes. We love technology but if it does not make you money, save you money, save you time, or reduce your risk we will not implement it.

Contact us today to discuss how NeoCloud Consulting can help you focus on your business and not your technology!