I know what you're thinking: Jay, facts are by definition true so it seems redundant to call them True Facts. Well we live in a time when "Alternative Facts" is a phrase. Plus, "Facts Tuesday" is boring and has literally zero alliteration. What fun is that? So... off we go! Tuesdays are intended to discuss technology news stories that I found interesting of the past week. On to True Facts Tuesday we go!
This week on TechTarget there was an interesting article about information security. The article was written from the perspective of a hacker/pen tester. A pen tester is a legal hacker that you hire to find vulnerabilities in your network. The data was derived by using surveys at a hacking conference. You can read the whole article here but some of the key highlights were:
- The two most popular methods of attack were phishing and direct server attack
- Tactics for attack change frequently
- Endpoint Security, intrusion detection and firewalls were the most effective countermeasures
It's a great article with a unique point of view. I think what the article enforces is that there is no single measure that makes you secure. The security standard that we use for our clients at NeoCloud is multi-faceted. We not only implement a five-layer technical defense system but also provide monthly security newsletters and quarterly security training to our clients. In addition we provide semi-annual simulated phishing attacks (with reports) and annual penetration testing in order to verify that our systems are doing their job.
If you'd like to get on the security newsletter list that we send our clients, you can sign up here. You may get an occasional additional email from me when you do but I promise no spamming. :-)
Semper vigilis!