Office 365 Thursday - Personal Word Template

Welcome to the first Office 365 Thursday! Every Thursday I will post new tips to enable you to make better use of Office 365. 

Today's topic is how to create a personal Word template. In this example I will use letterhead but this procedure can be used to create a template for any often-used formatted document. Other examples include a Policy and Procedure format, a draft document with "DRAFT" watermark, etc.

Step 1: Create the letterhead

Open a blank word document. Edit the header, footer and watermark to create your letterhead. Alternatively, if you've purchased letterhead from a professional designer, open the document. (Please note: I am a lot of things but a professional designer is not one of them.) :)


Step 2: Save the Document as a Template

Click "File", "Save As" and then the "More options" link.

More Options.PNG

This will open a standard "Save As" box. Change the "Save as type" from Word Document to Word Template: 

Word Template Option.PNG

Note that the "Save as" folder automatically changes to the location for personal templates. Name the file and save it. 

Save to Templates Folder.PNG

That's it! To access your newly created template, just start a new Word document. You'll see the template list and have a new option for "PERSONAL" under templates. Click that and your newly created template and you're off to the races!

Until next time!
